Quote from 臉紅紅


長駐國外的作者 Madeleine 臉紅紅帶來英語教室的內容,這一期來聊聊婚後的性愛生活。(什麼,你以為婚後就沒有性愛生活嗎?)其實轉念一想,婚後的性愛,也可以很瘋狂有趣!


不過所謂的 Married Sex 婚後性愛其實能有更多奇幻想像,來參考這五句英文句子提醒我們婚後性愛的各種好處!(臉紅推薦:愛愛變成例行公事?重啟性愛新鮮感必學五招

1. When you're married, you don't have to worry about where the relationship is going.「結婚後,你不用太擔心感情會有不確定性!」

Are you hooking up too soon? Should you wait? Does it matter? When you're married, sex is just a part of your relationship. A very good, very meaningful part of your relationship, but without all the questions about what it means. You can have sex whenever you both want it without weighing whether it's the right thing to do. Seriously. Whenever you want it.


2. When you're married, you don't have to worry about whose place to go to. 「婚後,你不用擔心發生關係的地點,不用擔心今晚要去誰那裡?」

There's a lot of stress to sleepovers when you're single. Having sex at his place means sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, praying that he's a neat freak and that his bathroom isn't disgusting and getting up earlier than you normally would to get ready. When you're married, what's his is yours, and you know exactly how clean the bathroom is.


3. There's rarely any awkward moments in married sex. 「婚後,鮮少有窘迫的性愛時刻!」

Okay, sure, there might be the occasional awkward moment when he's lying on your hair or one of you gets a fit of giggles. But those moments aren't weighted any heavier than anything else you've ever done together. There's an intimacy, a sweetness even, to the awkwardness. It's something else you share as a couple.

搞曖昧的時候,頭髮被壓到,或是摸到敏感帶怕癢難說出口,怪尷尬的。婚後,這些都成了情趣的一部分! 床上的笨拙或不靈巧也是夫妻共同成長的一部分!(和他聊聊性 7 個性伴侶間該有的私密討論

4. Shave, wax or go natural, it doesn't matter when you're married. 「要不要除毛?要怎麼除毛?婚後相較之下不再重要。」

Single women obsess over body hair far more than married women do. It's not because married women take less pride in their appearance or don't want to be sexually attractive to their spouse, it's simply because body hair ceases to be much of an issue when you live together and have sex regularly.


5. You don't have to watch the clock when you're married. 「月經什麼時候來?該怎麼算安全期? 不再只是你一個人的問題!」

When you're single, you're always on the clock. Single women have to take responsibility for their own birth control needs and often don't feel like they can rely on their partner for support. Being married means you're on the same team and you share the same goals. And not having to worry about birth control makes sex that much more fun













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